
You have entered into the world of the betwixt and between, where change is inevitable


The “Open Delta” symbolizes

“openness to change.”

if change is the only constant, then this means we are all constantly changing. once we surrender to this change, it becomes possible to build our lives by design and not by default. This work empowers its students to become their own life designers with guidance from Jocelyn.

About Jocelyn


“Truth exists not without belief. Beliefs are the breadcrumbs leading the way to our behaviors.”

-Jocelyn Johnson


Jocelyn is a change-maker and life design coach who works with startups, founders and executives, couples and individuals as they move through change and design their dream lives. She draws upon nearly 10 years as a serial entrepreneur of both services and venture-backed businesses and a life-long commitment to personal development, particularly in the area of relationship. Combining that entrepreneurial spirit and a passion for mind-body-spirit wellness, Jocelyn now facilitates powerful life shifts for people all over the world. Jocelyn is “Cognitive Behavioral Coaching” and “Neuro-Linguistic Programming” certified.  In her career, Jocelyn has built a successful PR business – JJPR – at age 25 and then launched her second venture -- entertainment industry trade publication VideoInk, which was acquired by TheWrap in 2018. Over the course of her career, she has worked with industry leaders including Hearst, Complex, Funny or Die, Dailymotion, YouTube, Facebook, Verizon, AT&T, and Spotify, among others. She’s been cited in New York Times, Vanity Fair, CNBC, BusinessRockstars, “Courageous Leaders” and spoken at conferences in both the U.S. and Internationally.

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